Sunday, February 12, 2012

1 Year Coupon Anniversary

I'm unsure of the exact date of when I started couponing but I know it was the end of February, early March. I've learned and saved so much over the past year, it is insane. I wish I would of kept track of exactly how much I saved last year. This year, I came across an Excel spreadsheet, to keep track. I can't wait to see how much I saved, come December! So far this year, with only a few trips under my belt, I saved $264! 

One major thing I learned this year was how supportive my boyfriend was. At first, he was skeptical and embarrassed when I started pulling out my coupons. We took MUCH longer at the grocery store and at times, stopped everything we were doing to go to the store to score a deal. Now he gets excited (or is an fantastic actor) when I tell him how much I saved. Now, he pulls out his phone/calculator and is ready to add & subtract the prices I am yelling at him. He is good for about the first 30 minutes, then I lose him to him strolling away and watching videos on his phone. But he is still a good sport. 

I'm in the process of buying a car over the next week or two. I'm stressed and frantic on finding the 'right' one for me, not the one the dealer wants me in! With monthly car and insurance payments in my close future, looks like I'll be couponing and stockpiling like crazy. Should be a fun few weeks a head of us

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